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Speaking & Presentation Skills Seminar

Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 - 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Venue: Master Builders Association - Banquet Room - Bellevue, WA     Get Directions
Your Price: $595.00
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$55 for MBAKS members
$595 for Non-members
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Speak for Impact & Action: Speaking & Presentation Skills

New for 2025!

Imagine stepping onto the stage or into a boardroom with confidence radiating from every gesture and word. With this workshop, you'll gain the tools and expertise to improve your presentations to captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impact.

Designed specifically for professionals, leaders, and managers, this program taught by Dale Carnegie Training focuses on setting a vision for yourself as an impactful communicator.

You'll learn:

  • Set a vision for yourself as a communicator
  • The 3 attributes to model
  • The 6 ā€œPā€™sā€ of communication to help you connect with your audience more effectively
  • The formula for moving people from speech to action
  • Plus, networking tips

Whether you're pitching an idea, leading a meeting, or addressing a large audience, you can communicate with clarity and confidence that commands attention and inspires action. Empower yourself to turn every presentation into a standout performance that enhances your professional credibility and influence.

(Includes lunch)

Register today and start delivering better presentations.


About Our Speaker

Travis Daniel

Travis Daniel

President/Owner Dale Carnegie Training, Washington State & Idaho
Travis Daniel is the local President & Owner for Dale Carnegie Training in Washington State & Idaho. He partners with local companies to help them develop their employees to be more on purpose; giving them tools to increase their performance levels and outpace their competition. Before Carnegie, Travis was Manager of Corporate Business Development for Cutter & Buck, a Seattle based Sportswear Company. Travis is a graduate of the University of Idaho with a B.S. in Elementary Education. He has lived in France and raced on a French cycling team UC Montataire.