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Redmond PC Finalizing Recommendations on Comp Plan Chapters

Posted on Jul 2, 2024 in:
  • Advocacy
  • Industry Issues
  • Growth Management

The Redmond 2050 Summer 2024 Omnibus / Wrap-Up package is going to the Planning Commission. This is the last set of Comprehensive Plan and Redmond Zoning Code (RZC) amendments proposed to be reviewed and adopted in 2024 (only one last package, to be adopted in 2025). This summer package ties together loose ends, corrects errors, addresses minor requests that have arisen over the past couple years and final testing phases, and makes a complete package of the chapters that were reviewed over multiple phases. 

A study session will be held on July 10 and a public hearing on July 24.

Staff will introduce the package and the Commission will to begin to develop an issues matrix. For individual Plan chapters see below and for RZC chapter in the Table of RZC Changes:

The Planning Commission will begin review of the final Redmond 2050 package and code updates in September.  

Please contact with any questions or feedback.


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