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Primary Election is August 6, Make Sure to Vote!

Posted on Jul 18, 2024 in:
  • Builders

Primary ballots are being mailed out this week so please look for them in your mailbox and make sure to vote! Tuesday, August 6 is the last day to return your ballot either by mail or at a drop box. The election is crucial for housing policy as it will determine which candidates advance to the General Election, potentially shifting the balance of power and philosophical approach to housing initiatives. This election serves as a barometer for public sentiment on key issues and sets the stage for future legislative actions. Counties will certify the Primary Election on August 20 and the General Election is Tuesday, November 5.
You can find drop box locations, ballot questions, candidate statements, and more information related to the election at King County Elections or Snohomish County Elections.  

You can review candidate endorsements by the Affordable Housing Council (AHC) below and see the full AHC list HERE.

MBAKS Primary Election Endorsements


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