Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • 2021 Primary Endorsements

    Posted on Jul 7, 2021 in:
    • MBAKS News
    • Endorsements
    • AHC
    • Advocacy
    Each election cycle, our Affordable Housing Council (AHC) interviews candidates at the city, county, and state levels to determine their degree of support for our industry. The following candidates have received an AHC endorsement for the 2021 election cycle.
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  • Home Prices Continue to Rise Amid Low Supply

    Posted on Jun 25, 2021 in:
    • Builders Bulletin
    In May, the median home price rose to $775,000 in King County and $655,000 in Snohomish County, up 23.6% and 32.86% respectively from a year ago. The low inventory of homes for sale plus high demand continues to put upward pressure on home prices.
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  • Press Release: MBAKS Announces 2021 REX/T-REX Awards Winners

    Posted on Jun 14, 2021 in:
    • Remodelers Council
    • Press Releases
    • MBAKS News
    BELLEVUE, Wash.—June 12, 2021—For the 35th year in a row, the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBAKS) hosted their annual Remodeling/Trades Remodeling Excellence (REX/T-REX) Awards. The REX / T-REX Awards, presented by the Remodelers Council of MBAKS, encourages local remodelers and builders to submit their best projects of the year. Each submission is reviewed by a panel of remodeling professionals from across the country and winners are selected in each category.
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  • Building Permits Up in Region

    Posted on May 26, 2021 in:
    • Builders Bulletin
    The latest data from the Census Bureau show single-family permits up 25% in the three-county Seattle metro area through March, compared to the same period last year. Pierce County saw the biggest rise in single-family permit activity among the three counties, up 61% year-over-year in the first quarter. Multifamily permits more than doubled in the region, led by big upticks in Pierce and King counties. However, Snohomish County experienced a drop in multifamily permit activity in the first quarter.
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  • Latest Jobs Report Shows Modest Improvement

    Posted on Apr 22, 2021 in:
    • Builders Bulletin
    New data from the Employment Security Department show continued modest improvement in the jobs picture for our state and region. The unemployment rate for Seattle/Bellevue/Everett fell from 5.5 in February to 5.4 in March. Meanwhile, construction employment in Washington increased by 1,400 between February and March.
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