Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • The Dunn Lumber Podcast: How to Evaluate the Health of Your Business

    Posted on Nov 15, 2017 in:
    • Councils
    • Remodelers Council
    • Podcasts & Radio
    Howard Chermak, founder of award-winning Chermak Construction, provides us with his incredible insight and discusses the ways to evaluate the overall health of your business in this exclusive podcast recorded live at our September Remodelers Council Dinner.
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  • Seattle Home Values Are Rising Faster Than San Francisco

    Posted on Nov 2, 2017 in:
    • Industry News
    In the everlasting battle between West Coast cities boasting the most eye-popping home prices, Seattle seems to have landed a surprise left uppercut to its sister (cousin?) to the south, the n-o-t-o-r-i-o-u-s San Francisco.
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  • Editorial: Housing Affordability Crisis Requires Bold Action

    Posted on Oct 31, 2017 in:
    • Guest Post
    • Advocacy
    • MBAKS News
    One of the biggest challenges facing our region is a lack of attainable housing, especially near job centers. Continued growth is driving the demand for more housing, and the strong demand is outpacing supply, causing home prices and rents to soar. This is making housing increasingly out of reach for families and workers and threatening our area’s quality of life.
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  • Membership Minute: Why Certify Built Green?

    Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in:
    • Video
    • Benefits & Incentives
    This week, Built Green Program Manager Leah Missik and Greg Lotakis of PHC Construction discuss why it's worth it to certify projects Built Green.
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  • Dissecting the MBA's 10-Point Plan on Affordable Housing

    Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in:
    • Advocacy
    • MBAKS News
    I don’t know if you heard, but urbanists are developer shills. At least that’s the common conception. In reality, many of us quite critical of certain developers and projects, while recognizing that absolute opposition to developers would get us nowhere.
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