Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • Membership Minute: Why Certify Built Green?

    Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in:
    • Video
    • Benefits & Incentives
    This week, Built Green Program Manager Leah Missik and Greg Lotakis of PHC Construction discuss why it's worth it to certify projects Built Green.
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  • Dissecting the MBA's 10-Point Plan on Affordable Housing

    Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in:
    • Advocacy
    • MBAKS News
    I don’t know if you heard, but urbanists are developer shills. At least that’s the common conception. In reality, many of us quite critical of certain developers and projects, while recognizing that absolute opposition to developers would get us nowhere.
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  • MBAKS Workforce: Why Should I Enter the Trades?

    Posted on Oct 27, 2017 in:
    • Advocacy
    The Puget Sound region is a great place to live and work, as reflected in the fast pace of growth over the past decade. More people coming to the region means we need more people working in skilled trades—to build housing, commercial space, infrastructure, and transportation projects.
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  • November 2017 Builder’s Bulletin

    Posted on Oct 27, 2017 in:
    • Builders Bulletin
    Despite a modest increase in housing inventory for sale in King and Snohomish counties during September—reaching the highest levels seen all year with 1.13 and 1.26 months’ supply of inventory respectively—these figures are still well below the four-to-six month range that many industry analysts consider to be an indicator of a healthy market.
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  • MBAKS on the Front Lines in Washington, D.C.

    Posted on Oct 25, 2017 in:
    • Industry News
    • Advocacy
    LDC Inc. went to Washington. D.C. October 24 to advocate for sensible stormwater management regulations that lead to clean water for communities instead of mountains of paperwork.
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