Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • Member Story: Dwell Development

    Posted on Aug 15, 2016 in:
    • Member Stories
    The Dwell Emerald Star home on 61st Street isn’t just another house. It’s the start of something big. You’ll see.
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  • Shannon's 60: Nils Christian

    Posted on Aug 15, 2016 in:
    • Member Benefits
    • Video
    • Membership
    This week, new member Nils Christian, METIS Construction Inc., tells us how his company takes advantage of member benefits like GRIP and the MBA Health Trust.
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  • Baby Boomers Dominate New Housing Trends

    Posted on Aug 9, 2016 in:
    • Tips & Trends
    The largest American generation is either retired or quickly nearing retirement age. Baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964 and who count more than 76 million, may be getting older, but they are definitely not ready to head to the retirement home!
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  • Shannon's 60: 2016 Membership Appreciation Picnic

    Posted on Jul 18, 2016 in:
    • Video
    • Membership
    • Events
    This weekend, Shannon took a moment to talk to our president, Joseph Irons of Irons Brothers Construction, at the Membership Appreciation Picnic at Remlinger Farms.
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  • Shannon's 60: Benefits of Built Green

    Posted on Jul 5, 2016 in:
    • Benefits & Incentives
    • Video
    This week, Shannon discusses the benefits of the Built Green® program with Leah Missik, Built Green program manager.
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