Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • Announcing the Launch of the Washington Materials Marketplace

    Posted on Aug 24, 2021 in:
    • Built Green News
    The City of Tacoma, Seattle Good Business Network, and the US Business Council for Sustainable Development announced the launch of a new program that allows for circular reuse of products and materials that might otherwise be destined for disposal in landfills.
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  • Building in the Time of Wildfires

    Posted on Aug 12, 2021 in:
    • Built Green
    Between extreme heat and drought across the entire Western U.S. the annual wildfire season has arrived early in the Pacific Northwest. During the construction phase of any project, there are strategies that can be implemented to keep the build site and staff safe and healthy during wildfire season.
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  • Wildfire Season—Hope for the Best, Be Prepared for the Worst

    Posted on Aug 3, 2021 in:
    • Built Green
    Wildfire season, and the smoke it brings, is upon us in the Pacific Northwest. Fueled by drought and climate change, these threats to the health and safety of our homes are arriving earlier each year. Fortunately, there are simple steps homeowners can take from roof to foundation to make a home safer from embers, radiant heat, and fine particulate matter.
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