Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • 2017 Built Green Hammer Award Winners

    Posted on Oct 20, 2017 in:
    • Built Green
    • Built Green News
    The winners of the annual Built Green Hammer Awards were announced at the 2017 Built Green Conference! Learn more about some of these green building leaders and their projects.
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  • From Exclusionary to Inclusionary: How Can We Make Our Region Inclusive, Resilient, and Vibrant?

    Posted on Oct 4, 2017 in:
    • Advocacy
    • Built Green
    Missed our 2017 Built Green Conference? Check out this exciting panel on inclusionary zoning featuring Seattle mayoral candidates Cary Moon and Jenny Durkan, Seattle City Council candidate Teresa Mosqueda, the founder of Sightline Institute Alan Durning, and moderated by Aaron Fairchild, the CEO of Green Canopy Homes.
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  • Why Energy Models?

    Posted on Sep 22, 2017 in:
    • Builders
    • Built Green
    Most builders pursuing Built Green certification quickly realize that the energy model of their project is one of the keys to achieving a given star-level. Almost all Built Green star-levels for nearly all certification types require an energy model. How does this work? Why is this the case? Let us explain.
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