Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • Why Third-Party Verification?

    Posted on Aug 10, 2017 in:
    • Builders
    • Built Green
    One of the most commonly asked questions we get from builders and home buyers is what third-party verification is and why it is required by Built Green for certification. Let’s explore how third-party verification came about and why it is so important and beneficial.
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  • Built Green Checklist Updates: All You Need to Know

    Posted on Jul 6, 2017 in:
    • Builders
    • Built Green
    The time has come: Built Green is rolling out checklist updates! What are these, why do we do them, and what do you need to know to keep your projects current? Read on to get all of the answers.
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  • Why Built Green Certification for Remodels & Refits is Important

    Posted on Jun 2, 2017 in:
    • Builders
    • Built Green
    Seattle is a nationwide hub for green building, especially when it comes to new construction, but the city also has an aging housing market that makes it ripe for remodel and retrofit. See how to make your clients' homes healthier and more efficient during a remodel.
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