Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • Green Partnerships Lead to Progress and Innovations

    Posted on Feb 17, 2017 in:
    • Built Green
    Built Green and the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild have been collaborating since Built Green’s inception almost twenty years ago to transform the built environment toward long-term sustainability. That partnership is only improving with time, from the first 5-star Built Green certified home in Seattle to ongoing work on the Code Innovations Database.
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  • 2016: A Year in Numbers

    Posted on Jan 20, 2017 in:
    • Built Green
    Lately, every year seems to be a big year for Built Green, and 2016 was no exception! Let’s take a look at the numbers and see how we did in detail.
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  • Moving the Market Award: Dwell Development

    Posted on Dec 21, 2016 in:
    • Built Green
    The Built Green Moving the Market Award recognizes a builder who has stepped up in a big way in terms of their green building portfolio. This year, we decided to award a true “market mover” who not only sets a high bar, but also encourages others to follow suit. We wanted to recognize Dwell Development for their efforts and commitment to moving the market toward a sustainable future.
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