Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • PROFILE: Who’s Who in Green Real Estate?

    Posted on Nov 17, 2016 in:
    • Built Green
    The Green Genius Awards are the region’s first and only awards to honor real estate brokers who are helping to transform the Pacific Northwest into a hub for greener living and a leader in sustainable community development. The winners of the Green Genius Awards were announced at the 2016 Built Green Conference and Awards Ceremony on September 13th.
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  • Built Green Conference 2016: Award Winners

    Posted on Oct 27, 2016 in:
    • Built Green
    At the 2016 Built Green Conference, we recognized exceptional Built Green builders and supporters with Built Green Hammer Awards and the Built Green Pioneer Award. Without the time, energy, and support of these Pioneers, Built Green would not be what it is today.
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  • How Seattle’s "Hot" Housing Market Impacts Built Green

    Posted on Oct 13, 2016 in:
    • Built Green
    No question about it: Seattle’s housing market is “hot” and median home prices are rising. But this “hot” housing market isn’t all bad - builders can take advantage of Seattle's Priority Green Expedited program and shortens the time it takes to get a new construction permit if they’re building green.
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