Posted on Jan 18, 2018 in:
Seattle Times HomeWork
Scheduling a roof replacement now will not only lower the risk of damages, but will also keep you and your family dry and warm all season long.
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Posted on Oct 5, 2017 in:
Seattle Times HomeWork
There are three approaches to home remodel design: you can use design software to create your own model, hire an independent designer or architect, or use the services of a design-build remodeling firm. Let's take a closer look at each of these approaches.
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Posted on Sep 21, 2017 in:
Seattle Times HomeWork
Studies have shown that the average American spends up to 45 minutes a day just looking for their stuff. What if you could save 20 of those 45 minutes per day? Twenty minutes a day adds up to 10 hours a month. That's like saving a whole day's work every month, just by being more organized.
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Member Submissions
Articles are consumer-based and run 500–600 words, with content focused on novice to intermediate projects and ideas for area homeowners. There is no fee to be featured—this is a member benefit and a fantastic way to spotlight your business. Each contributing member will receive a byline that includes their company name and link to their website.
To be featured:
- Claim your date! Contact our marketing team at homework@mbaks.com.
- Come up with a good topic.
- Write the article and submit it and any relevant photos to our marketing team by the deadline.
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