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Built by Blue Sound Construction, designed by MaKe Design, photos by Alex Hayden

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  • PRESS RELEASE: Governor Signs into Law Permit Process Improvements to Help Housing

    Posted on Apr 27, 2017 in:
    • Industry News
    • Advocacy
    • Press Releases
    • MBAKS News
    Bellevue, Wash—April 27, 2017—Governor Jay Inslee today signed into law Senate Bill 5674, providing a local option to allow administrative approval of the final plat process. The bill, sponsored by Senator Guy Palumbo (D-1st District) and Senator Joe Fain (R-47th District), will provide significant efficiencies in many jurisdictions where it can take a long time to get a final plat through the legislative process.
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  • PRESS RELEASE: Master Builders Association Receives Grant to Offer Free Crane Safety Classes

    Posted on Nov 14, 2016 in:
    • Education
    • Press Releases
    • MBAKS News
    Bellevue, Wash.—November 14, 2016—Seattle was recently named the “crane capital of America," with 58 cranes currently in operation, an increase of 38 percent in the past year. With more cranes, more possibilities exist for accidents. That is why, beginning in February 2017, the MBA and Buildsafe Solutions will be offering free two-day Qualified Signal Person Certification for Mobile Cranes classes, made available in thanks to a grant from State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries’ Safe and Health Investment Projects (SHIP) program.
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  • PRESS RELEASE: REX/T-REX Awards of the Master Builders Association Wins National Award

    Posted on Oct 25, 2016 in:
    • Remodelers Council
    • Councils
    • Press Releases
    • MBAKS News
    Bellevue, Wash., October 25, 2016—The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBA) was recently honored with a national Council Award for Demonstrating Remodeling Excellence (CADRE) award, Public Relations and Promotion category, in recognition of their Remodeling Excellence (REX) and Trade Remodeling Excellence (T-REX) awards program.
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